In order to help Grant stay excited about his first year in "real" school, I had him pick out his lunchbox. Of course it had to have his name on it in some form of fashion (I really need a girl), and it had to be really cute and different. I came across this great website called Just So Posh once you are at the website, type in a search for "lunch boxes", and I loved the lunch box choices they offered because most were tin. This is a big + for Grant since he somehow never screws his thermos lid on quite tight enough after he's completed his meal and the remaining Spaghettios slime leaks out on his "soft"/fabric lunchbox. This means that a Spaghettio smell continually resides in this lunchbox. Not pretty. So really I guess I should say this new tin lunchbox is going to be a big + for me because I'm hoping the Spaghettio slime can be rinsed off and no permanent smell will have to be tolerated.
Grant went through the oh-so-fun selections and chose this one: